
Summer Hair Care Tips

In summers people suffer from so many scalp problems due to intense heat all over the day and due to not having proper channel of air passage when head is covered all over the days. Dandruff, itching, hair loss are the most common problem people gone through with during summers. These condition sometimes are very embarrassing especially if your are working outside. Sweating is another reason of these entire problems which is out of control. Your hair protein is most sensitive to heat and get damaged easily by exposure to sunlight and heat thus damaging your hairs resulting sticky hairs and hair fall. In this article you will find simple tips to protect your scalp and nourish it properly through very little efforts.

Cover your head:

To prevent direct contact of heat and sunlight to your hairs and scalp cover your head with muslin cloth so that it protect your scalp from sun rays and muslin cloth is not thick so it maintain ventilation so that your sweat won't accumulate in hair and scalp and oxygen can pass easily.

Use sunscreen conditioner and shampoo:

So many shampoos and conditioners are available in market that contains sunscreen properties hence protecting your hair and scalp from harsh sun rays. Before going out wash your hairs and scalp thoroughly with water and then massage shampoo to your scalp gently. After shampoo use conditioner it retains moisture on your hair and scalp and prevents it from drying.
hair care

Hair spray:

If you have to go somewhere urgently and don’t have time to wash your hairs there is a simple trick, use hair spray containing sunscreen properties just before styling your hairs. By this you can protect your hair and scalp from sunlight.

Proper oiling:

Make habit of oiling your scalp and hairs twice or thrice a week. It nourishes your scalp prevent it from drying reduces risk of dandruff and by oiling your hairs become strengthen.

Daily hair wash:

Rinse your hairs daily through water. It is not recommended to shampoo your hairs daily just wash your hairs and scalp through Lukewarm water. By washing daily your scalp stay fresh and free from perspiration, dirt and oil.

Say bye to blow drier:

As sunlight and heat damages your hair just like that heat from blow dryer directly contact with your scalp and worsen your scalp condition so its better to avoid blow drier and if necessary use occasionally and before blow drying use heat protecting serum for your hairs.

Consumption of water:

Consumption of water should be increased up to 13-14 glasses per day. Water helps to hydrate your scalp thus protecting it from drying and water is the best solution for dandruff. Consume as much water as you can especially in summers when you lose much water through perspiration.

Scalp acne treatment:

Some people face problem of acne on scalp due to so many reasons in which perspiration is the most prominent one. To protect your scalp and treat such problem use rinse your hairs with neem water after shampooing your hairs. Neem has an antibacterial property thus treat your acne on scalp. If you don’t want to use neem water this way mix it with olive oil and apply and massage to your scalp at night and wash your hairs next morning it also works a lot.

Treat yourself from inside:

Diet plays an important role in the functioning of your body hence it plays role in the treatment of scalp problem. Add omega 3 fatty acid and essential oils in your diet. Limit down processed food and sugar from your diet as they are the major contributing factor on scalp problems.

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