Mostly women have different color complexion. Some have the dark color, some
have the fair and some have the combination of both colors. Women with black
color complexion usually look Un-confident and feel guilty about their
complexion. They consider that their complexion does not make them beautiful.
But this is the wrong concept. Black color complexion also looks attractive and
pleasant. Black color makes your skin shiny even black color eyes and hairs
looks so pretty and amazing. God has created each feature of women so beautiful
and perfect. So do not lose their temperament. Be confident and give value to
Tricks to Get Charming Outlook
Some major makeover and hair tricks are given over here for black women that
can improve your features and highlight you among others by giving you unique
and pleasant look. You must have to follow these tricks attentively to get
perfect results.
Selection of base:
Black women should be careful about selection of base color. Always choose
base color according to your color complexion. You must have to use dark color
base as it give you an original and natural look. Mostly women choose light
color of base, but it is totally wrong selection. Light color does not match
with your original skin color and hence you look unnatural. So it is preferable
to select that base color which perfectly relates to your natural skin
Eye makeover:
Eyes of black women look more pleasant along with their skin complexion.
Proper eye makeover can enhance beauty of their eyes.
- Concealer: Before applying eye makeover, you can check whether you have black eye circles or not. If you have then use concealer (a cream to hide your eye circles).Market is full with variety of concealer, you can get it easily. Simple apply it on your black eye circles and blend it softly with tip of your finger to hidden them properly.
- Dark eye shades: Eyes of black women are already looks very beautiful. But suitable eye color must be necessary to enhance its beauty. So it is preferable to use dark eye shades. These dark color eye shades make you unique and decent than others.
- Artificial eyelashes: If your lashes are small or thin then you should have to use artificial lashes, but for that proper practice is needed to get natural look.
- Eye liner: After that apply suitable eyeliner on your eyes smoothly. Try to use that types of eyeliner which is easy to hold and easy to handle. So that you can get neat look of your eye.
- Eyelash curler: Now curl your lashes with eyelash curler, so that your eye looks attractive.
- Mascara: After curling the lashes, apply mascara on your eyelashes in proper way. Mascara also play an important role in making your eye beautiful and prominent. So use it carefully to get imaginary look.
Choose suitable lip color:
Like eye lips also play major role for attaining gorgeous look. So proper
care and suitable lipstick color selection must be necessary.
- Dark shade: You must have to choose dark shade of lipstick for lips just like of eye shades. Dark color gives you an original look. Mostly women prefer pink color of lipstick. But you can try to use it in darker shade.
- Lipgloss: Along with lipstick, you can also use lip gloss. It absolutely enhance your beauty and make you graceful and attractive.
Hair remedies:
Black women have usually black hair which looks imaginary, but such type of
hair can break easily and are of rough nature. Women mostly use hair dyes which
are harmful for your hair health. Try to avoid these dyes and use conditioner
for your hairs daily to make them healthy.
- Oiling of hair: If you want to make your hair healthy and shiny then oily your hairs on daily bases. After oiling, proper care of hair is necessary as it is strongly recommended by hair experts. So you must have to protect your hair with warm towel for 30-6- minutes after oiling to get desirable results.
- Selection of shampoo: Suitable selection of shampoo must be important for proper hair growth and its health. So be careful while shampoo. Make sure that the type of shampoo which you are choosing is suitable to your hair.
- Do not use light color base as it give you awkward look.
- Do not use shampoo directly on hair and scalp. Always mix it with water before using, otherwise it damage your hair.
- Do not choose bright eye shade for your eyes as it cannot match with your personality.
- Do not use bright lipstick shades as it gives you an odd look.
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