
How to Shape Nails Properly

A nail grows with the passage of time. It needs proper care too as your other body parts. Your hand looks messy if your nails are broken or unshaped. Your hands look beautiful if your nails are shaped perfectly. Your nails look beautiful and clean if they are in proper shape. If you don’t give a shape to your nails they break a lot. To prevent breakage and damage keep your nails trim and shape. In this article you will find some steps through which you can get information how to shape nails perfectly.

Step 1: Decide the length. First step is to decide how much you want to cut your nails i.e. how much length you want. According to it cut your nails straight. Decide your nail length according to your fingers like if your fingers are long then keep your nails short and if your fingers are short then long nails suits them best.
how to shape nails
Step 2: Decide the shape. After cutting all your nails decide what kind of shape you want. Choose the shape that best suits on your hands and easily manage by you. Round shape suits on almost every hand. But still you are very selective then choose it wisely. But remember other than round shape, square and rectangular shape is not so desirable as they get damaged easily.
Step 3: Shape your nails. After deciding the shape for your nails, start shaping them with filer. If your nails are very hard then put your finger tips in warm water for few minutes it make them soft and by this you can easily file them without breakage.
Step 4: Finishing of nails. The last step is the finishing of nails. Use buffer for this purpose. With the help of buffer you can make the edges soft and your nails look finish, clean and shiny.

Tips and warnings:

  • Give your nail a shape that you can easily handle especially if you are housewife.
  • Keep your nails trims always.
  • Before cutting and shaping moisturize your nail it makes your nail and cuticle soft.
  • Keep all your nails in same length.
  • Take biotin supplement for healthy nails.
  • Consume healthy diet with drinking.
  • Lots of water as it cleanse you from inside. 

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