
Natural Beauty Tips for Face Acne

Acne is a common problem especially observed in juvenile. There isn’t any single cause of acne. In fact many factors are involved in this pigmentation on one’s skin. Bacteria play the most important role in developing this disease on ones face, chest and back. This acne problem affects both males and female. It does not last for a longer period if taken care of.  Another major cause can be the hormonal changes that occur from 13-20 year of one’s age.  Teenagers can do a lot to cure this disease using anti-acne products available in the drugstores or cosmetic counter. It’s recommended to consult your dermatologist before using any cure cream to avoid further harm.  Natural treatments serve best for acne sensitive skins. Harsh chemical and frequent use of medicated creams can be fatal.  Some natural homemade treatments and tips to cure acne problems for teenagers are illustrated below:

Dirt- a contributing factor

Dirt and infected particles are all around us. No matter how hard we try to stay away from them it affects one’s skin. Dirt particles are usually noticed on one’s skin in the form of blackheads at first. Proper and regular cleansing should be done to avoid leading it to acne problems. Use of face wash that suits your skin and does not dry is recommended by professional. Rinse your face with your choice of face wash twice a day at least to guard your soft and smooth skin from harsh bacterial particles.

Hot water Steam

Steam can be taken easily at home by just boiling the water and placing the bowl in such a way that your face can absorb some water vapor steam. It’s a good technique for skins facing acne problem as hot steam closes the extra open pores and stop the dirt to enter the skin directly.

Hereditary Acne

Some acne problems are said to be hereditary. But it’s not the same case with everyone. Sometime the next generation does not suffer with the same exception as their parents did.  A lot can be done to avoid developing this disease e.g. avoid junk and greasy food that is overall not good for your health and worsen your acne problems. Similarly less use of drugs can also result to be curable.

Common food and ingredients

Homemade natural treatments can be done to cure acne problems. One advantage of these ingredients are their easy access and plus they are less expensive. Some homemade tips to control acne are:
  • Fresh yogurt Mask
  • Fresh yogurt is easily available in the nearby market. Usually oily skins are more prone to acne problems. Cold yogurt works well for oily skin. Just mix yogurt according to your need with one teaspoon of yeast and apply it to the affected areas and rinse it with cold water after a while.
  • Cucumber face pack
  • Cucumbers are said to have a cooling effect on the skin. Usually cucumbers are used to remove dark circles around the eyes. Cucumber face masks and scrubs are also used to guard the skin from acne problems.  All you have to do is mash one cucumber and add one teaspoon of sugar and mix it well.  Then apply this homemade mixture to your skin and see the results.
  • Grape smoothness
  • Acne skin can also be treated well with the fresh grapes. Just cut the grapes in two half and rub them with smooth hands on the affected area. It will reduce the acne affect.

Watch what you eat

Intake of nutritious food is very important. People suffering from acne problems should increase the intake of water, milk and fresh juices in their daily routine and should say a Big No to greasy fast food. Intake of adequate water will flush the blood from infected particle and fresh juices can be drunk and even applied directly to the affected area which ultimately helps in reducing acne affect and giving all essential vitamins to the skin directly. Include the intake of fish, meat, eggs and all fiber enriched food in your meals.
It’s better to cure your skin from natural tips and treatment rather with chemical beauty products. 


  1. Your blog is very nice, The info reagarding the Beauty Tips to prevent from the face Acne was really good and it may very helpful to all, Thanks a lot.

  2. Nice tips...thanks for this information.

    Here is one of my simple tips to enhance your beauty.

    Source =

    Beauty tips and healthy tips of Papaya:
    The leaves , seeds and fruits of papaya having a valuable medicine characters.Papaya are used as beauty product.
    Lets see how papaya used to enhance beauty and benefits of papaya.

    >>Papaya is used as medicine for stomach disorders.
    >>Papaya also helps for digestion.
    >>Milk from the papaya is used to kill the germs found in the stomach.

    >>The peal of papaya is used to remove pimples and dark spot found on the skin( Apply the peal of papaya as mask on the skin for few 10 min which enhance your beauty, and it helps to reduce wrinkles, pimples, acne and dark spot in your face).
    >> The liquid from the papaya leaf is used to cure fever, and also helps to cure heart diseases.The papaya seed also helps to cure stomach infections.
    >>Papaya is used as facial mask.
    If you follow the simple tips of papaya you can solve the problems like big pimples, relieve from dark spot, you can get bright and fresh face, kill germs and insects in stomach, reduce heart disease, treatment for heart disease,reduce dark spot,etc..

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